Welcome to the Worshipful Company of Fuellers

A modern City of London Livery Company that represent the energy industry.  Our company has a diverse membership, representing all sectors of the energy industry from electricity generation, renewables, nuclear, oil and gas and their supply chains.  The Fuellers is a great platform for entertaining and socialising with other likeminded people, with excellent networking opportunities.

The Fuellers aim to provide a fellowship amongst its members, with a platform for discussion, education, policy and much more.  Members have many opportunities for meeting, both informally, and on more traditional and formal occasions, such as livery dinners, which offer unique opportunities to enjoy the fascinating traditions of the City of London, within some of its grandest halls. 

The Fuellers has important links with Industry, and hold lectures and organise site visits to provide opportunities for networking and learning about new technology, It provides an important channel for energy related matter throughout the City of London, and encourages inter-Livery and engagement with the City of London.The Ezra Memorial lecture, now in its 18th year, and the biannual Duke of Edinburgh Conference are important milestones on energy far beyond the City.

With our military affiliations, the Company is able to support the men and women serving within these units and in return the Fuellers are often invited to attend training and open days with all of our military affiliates, giving another fantastic opportunity to socialise, learn and network.  

The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund, which is separate but linked ot the Fuellers, helps many disadvantaged people and has been very active within education, introducing pupils of all ages to the Energy Industry.