Join Us

The Worshipful Company of Fuellers welcomes applications for membership from everyone with an interest in energy. Whilst most members are employed in the Energy Industry, anyone with an interest in energy is welcome to apply.

With a varied programme throughout each year ranging from formal dinners in the finest livery halls in the City, to networking opportunities, industry visits, energy lectures and conferences and visits to our military affiliates, there is something for everyone to enjoy and derive benefit from. Fuellers are also encouraged to contribute to the Fuellers' Charitable Trust Fund and also to donate their time in order to share their experience with students as mentors or advisors.

The Fuellers hold a  number of Energy Events each year at which we explore areas of the industry with acknowledged specialists. These include the Fuellers' Advantage talks, the Fuellers' Annual Energy Lecture and the biennial Fuellers' Duke of Edinburgh Future Energy Conference.

In addition to the educational and networking opportunities that are available, the enjoyment of participating in events & visits to extraordinary venues, plus the satisfaction from supporting worthy causes there are other aspects of belonging to the Company that are key to our membership.  From a broader perspective membership of a London Livery Company offers a special insight into the history and traditions of this great City. It provides a chance to be part of London’s story of trade and social contribution that spans over 900 years.

Join the Fuellers Today

Did you know that collectively, London’s Livery Companies give over £75m to charities each year?

Membership Values

It is rare in modern life to find such a diverse selection of qualified people connected by a common theme in such a positive social and professional organisation. Beneath the energy umbrella in an impartial environment, our members can explore common interests in an ambience of fellowship and trust.

The camaraderie and friendship engendered amongst like-minded professionals is of high value to our membership and we look forward to welcoming you to our ranks.

To become a Fueller you need only to demonstrate involvement with, or an interest in the Energy Sector. Our membership is as diverse as the energy industries.

We welcome people - irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, or religious background – operating at all levels of responsibility or experience in, or simply interested in knowing about, the world of energy.