Military Affilates Prizegiving - 3 June 2024

The full citations for the six winners at our Military Affiliates Prizegiving held at Trinity House on Monday 3 June 2024 can be read below.


The Husband Rose Bowl


During his appointment shoreside in the RFA Afloat Support Marine Engineering team, Second Officer O’Leary has demonstrated an astute technical knowledge ensuring a consistently high level of support to senior officers and wider Naval Service. Identifying the pathways needed to improve Royal Fleet Auxiliary methodology has enabled the Service to grow whilst ensuring previously held defects were addressed.

2/O O’Leary has proven to be a highly capable engineering officer, demonstrating the commitment and motivation needed to create the Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan. This was balanced with being mindful of the operational and strategic requirements of the RFA and current UK legislation thus ensuring compliance across the Flotilla. 2/O O’Leary stepped up his way of working as he collaborated with Lloyds Shipping Registry to collate evidence demonstrating the RFA’s compliance with MARPOL Legislation. This in turn changed the way RFA ships operate alongside, driving the establishment of policy of utilising shore power from the National Grid where appropriate. A key defect previously identified for improvement was of bio-hull fouling and 2/O O’Leary diligently pursued potential pathways to mitigate this risk. This involved liaising with supporting trades across the RFA, Naval Service, external stakeholders and Maritime Coastguard Agency. He took initial lead for the complicated project whilst managing his day-to-day job of analysing the condition of the RFA’s lube oil and managing the account and vessels accordingly. In applying the pressure needed to re-invigorate requirements for the bio-hull fouling plan, 2/O O’Leary leaves the project moving forwards positively.

2/O O’Leary has demonstrated exceptional potential and is well suited to dealing with changing and challenging situations, including complex project management. He should be justly proud of this award.

Nominated Charity: Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation


Daedalus Trophy


Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Lorraine (‘Lorry’) Osman fulfils the role of Professional Divisional Officer to junior trainees undertaking career courses within the Royal Navy Air Engineering and Survival Equipment School (RNAESS). Within this role she delivers outstanding welfare and duty of care provision to trainees, ensuring that their learning and support needs are met in order to optimise the value of the training delivered. Ultimately, she enables trainees to meet their performance goals, pass their career courses, and return to front line operational roles.

Lorry’s enthusiasm is boundless and infectious, so it is no surprise that she also delivers exceptional support to trainees as a coach and mentor, and as an advisor on tackling Unacceptable Behaviours, gender bias, and inequality. Her co-leadership of the SULTAN Women and Allies Network (SWAN) also delivers huge benefit to the trainees and staff across the Establishment, providing education, support, and advice.

Lorry’s other stand-out achievement where she contributes exceptionally to the development of others is on the rugby pitch; having coached or managed youth, men’s, and women’s teams over 24 years from grassroots events to the RN Women’s team and Cornwall RFU. Lorry chooses to support the Blind Veterans UK charity with this award, an organisation that she already regularly supports by delivering summer camps at HMS SULTAN. Through all of her activity, and her instantly-recognisable presence and character, Lorry truly inspires the staff and trainees of HMS SULTAN to grow, to have confidence, and to be the best that they can be.

Nominated Charity: Blind Veterans UK


The Woods Trophy


Corporal Faichney is selected for his dedication and professionalism throughout his work as a Section Commander within the Petroleum Operator trade. He has wholeheartedly embraced his current role within the Regiment and is an asset to 400 Petroleum Squadron and the Unit. He carries out his role with great efficiency whilst ensuring that he develops his team in the day-to-day operations required of a Petroleum operator. Corporal Faichney further shares his considerable knowledge by delivering lessons to Squadron personnel prior to them attending courses with Regular Army counterparts to achieve trade qualifications. 

In April 2024 Corporal Faichney deployed on Op LINOTYPER in Germany with the Theatre Enabling Group. Throughout his 2-week deployment he was instrumental to the Regiments success, contributing to extraordinary efforts which saw 345,584 litres of Diesel issued and 107,635 litres received. As part of a contingent supporting 152 RLCs sister Unit, Corporal Faichney seamlessly bridged the gap between Regular & Reserves, integrating with his Regular counterparts effortlessly.

Corporal Faichney has taken the skills he has learnt within the Army Reserve and gained a civilian career within the petroleum industry, working as a portside fuel operator. This allows him to combine his civilian and military employment which only goes to enhance the skills he brings to the Regiment. He is valued by his subordinates and seniors alike and is seen as a sound source of knowledge and ideas. He is humble, hardworking individual who takes great pride in his work. Corporal Faichney epitomises the modern Reservist which makes him a worthy recipient of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers prize.

Nominated Charity: Aware NI



Flight Lieutenant Mark Scott is an exemplar officer and instructor who operates the Royal Air Force’s Air-to-Air Refuelling aircraft - the Voyager. He is one of the most senior instructors but for 8 months of this year he has stepped up and covered the role of Flight Commander Training. During a period of unprecedented outflow from the Voyager Force, Scott has been relied upon to manage the sustainment and training for all the Pilots and Mission Support Operators. This role is critical to ensure that all personnel are fully trained and prepared for current and future operations. In this pivotal leadership role he excelled, leading the Flight Instructors by example and using his extensive operational experience to deliver novel training solutions. Not only has he deployed to the Middle East as an aircraft captain, he has also deployed as an instructor to deliver training to Sponsored Reservists on live operations as part of a new training initiative. The result is that the Voyager Force crew numbers have stabilised and the Force has been able to sustain its current tempo of operations. On the current plan, crew numbers should start to increase by the end of the year.

As a senior VIP endorsed captain, Flight Lieutenant Scott has been responsible for the successful planning and delivery of several high-profile tasks, including the visit of HM The King's State Visit to Kenya. Noting the reducing experience levels on the Force, Scott wrote a new VIP flight training syllabus and delivered training for two new VIP captains to ensure that this capability endures. His ability to deliver training while managing the demands of the high-profile customers is testament to his tact and capacity. Operating as only one of two military Type Rating Instructors he instils military ethos and a professional curiosity among his students. Leading by example, he has been selected to undertake the CAA Type Rating Examiner course within the next 12 months.

Training is often sacrificed at the expense of operational delivery. However, Scott has fought hard to safeguard training opportunities and the result is a Force which remains prepared to respond to UK Foreign Policy demands. 10 Squadron and the Royal Air Force owe a great deal of thanks to this dedicated officer for leading the training team through a challenging 12 months.

Nominated charity: Giraffes on Tour



Sergeant Gasser is the Chief Fuels Instructor for Tactical Supply Wing (TSW). In this fuels specialist role, he has cohered the CO TSW’s intent by adapting the training syllabus to meet the ever-changing warfighting demands of the geo-political situation; namely, deploying tactical fuel sites at speed, with manoeuvrability and agility being the key tenets.  In doing so, Gasser compiled a Master Events List, with Training Objectives and Learning Points akin to the Army Battlefield Syllabus producing a 2-week remote Collective Training Exercise (CTX).

Portraying demonstrable leadership, he has directed teams of 40 personnel each instalment to deployed Forward Bases regenerating tactical convoys prior to building and commissioning Tactical Refuelling Areas (TRA) in austere conditions. Whilst deployed, he leads the upskilling of warfighting, field fitness and fuel convoys in contested environments; whilst maintaining 24/7 fuel assurance and delivery to Rotary Wing assets supporting the exercise.

For his excellence and influence within the fuels training sphere, whilst preparing our people to meet the new challenges of deployed operations, Sgt Gasser is awarded the TSW Fueller of the Year.

Nominated charity: Katharine House Hospice



Squadron Leader Mark Gude joined the Defence Strategic Fuels Authority at a time of major organisational restructuring as the new Operational Energy Authority (OEA) was about to form. His work has been instrumental in facilitating a smooth transition from 3 separate organisations across Defence into one single entity, ensuring the significant upheaval did not impact operational output across any element of Defence. The OEA is now the new focal point for operational fuels & energy, including the MOD’s energy transition as we work towards a lower carbon economy and NZ 50 aspirations.

In his role, Mark has provided Army, Navy and Air Force Units and Command HQs with a valuable front door into the OEA enabling consistency in meeting demands in full and on time. Throughout, he has consistently delivered expert advice and guidance essential to keeping the Service community informed and educated on the fuel market and its opportunities & limitations; this has in turn ensured a more informed and engaged customer able to respond better to surges in operational activity.

Over the last year Mark has deployed to several overseas locations including Singapore, Ascension and the Falklands to inspect and advise on overseas base infrastructure, helping ensure robust operational capability at our overseas bases. During Op CHAMBRAY (Humanitarian Aid & Disaster Relief and non-combatant evacuation operation in the Eastern Med) Mark maintained close liaison with RAF Akrotiri to advise and guide on stock management and resupply planning by ocean tanker, as well as contingency options, as they supported a doubling in the flying effort in support of this critical operation.

Nominated charity: Anthony Nolan



Cpl Adams is truly deserving of this recognition. He has consistently shown dedication and commitment, tirelessly serving over the years. He has demonstrated leadership by stepping up in rank to take care of the junior soldiers under his charge. His performance during our capabilities displays (JSJET), where he briefed the judges excellently, further highlights his exceptional qualities.  Cpl Adams exemplifies the values of hard work and selflessness, serving as an inspiration to all the young soldiers under his mentorship. 


First Prize

LEANDRO ITURRALDE : Green Hydrogen Production

Joint Second Prize

CYRUS MOTASHAW : Development of electricity trading markets at distribution level

KYLE RARICK: Leveraging Spark Gap to improve the economic viability of heat pumps


Harrison Cup 2024


Platanos College is proud of the achievements and ambassador role of Lemuel Oderinde. Lemuel has been nominated for the Harrison Cup Trophy 2024 for his invaluable contribution to the school community since he was in year 7.  Lemuel has been a fantastic ambassador over the years and has represented the school at numerus events.  He has shown leadership and professionalism when delivering careers advice to year 6 pupils at Winterbourne Boys' Academy, supported and delivered at year group assemblies, is a keen sports man and has helped the team at various sporting games and other extra curricular club. Lemuel is always willing to go the extra mile to support his peers and teachers.  He is hardworking and a delightful young man that has a bright future ahead of him.