Common Hall Election Of Sheriffs – Monday 24 June 2024
24 June 2024
Common Hall Election of Sheriffs
Monday 24 June 2024
'To the Master and Wardens of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers,
These are to require you to cause all the livery of your Company to be summoned to meet at Guildhall on 24 June, next, by 11.45am for the election of sheriffs and other officers, annually chosen on Midsummer Day. Hereof you are not to fail.'
The two candidates are as follows and their addresses can now be viewed:
Alderman Gregory Jones (Leatherseller) - view address
Mr David Chalk (Draper) - view address
Only liverymen are entitled to attend and vote and for historical reasons must have been a liveryman for at least a year - ie: since before May 2023.
You will need a (free) ticket to gain easy access which the Clerk will send to you.
You will still be able to gain access without a ticket, but entry will be delayed as the registers are checked. This option is not recommended!
Please note: Freemen, spouses and other guests of Liverymen are not entitled to attend Common Hall - there is just not enough space. They are though very welcome to attend the lunch afterwards in Wax Chandlers Hall.
1100 Latest recommended time for Liverymen to arrive at Guildhall in order to get a seat
1145 Common Hall starts
Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HH
view on map
There is no laid down dress code: most will wear day dress (suits) although some may wear morning coats, and some ladies wear hats.
Lunch will be available afterwards at Wax Chandlers Hall (6 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7AD), which is a one minute walk from Guildhall. This is open to all members of the Company and their guests, regardless of whether you have been able to attend Common Hall or not. Timings are 1300 for 1330 and the cost is £80 per person. A number of places have been reserved - more may be available if required.
Please book in for lunch by Monday 17 June.