369th Festival of Clergy Support Trust

7 May 2024
St Paul
369th Festival of Clergy Support Trust
Tuesday 7 May 2024
All Fuellers are invited to apply for tickets to attend the 369th Festival of Clergy Support Trust at St Paul's Cathedral on Tuesday 7 May. Doors open at 1600 and you are asked to be in your seats prior to the processions starting at 1645, which includes the Masters of all livery companies.
This is the world’s oldest choral service and each year brings together three of the UK’s finest cathedral choirs under the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral. This year the choirs of Durham and Rochester Cathedrals will join St Paul's Cathedral choir. The Most Revd Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Bangor will give the sermon.
Attendance is free, but tickets are needed to gain admission. Further details are available on their website.
Following the Service you can also attend the Festival Dinner at Plaisterers’ Hall, which will be a two-course buffet with wine.