Fuellers’ Advantage: ‘Fusion and hydrogen – a way ahead for today’s oil industry?’

22 March 2022
National Liberal Club
We are delighted to announce a Fueller’s Advantage to be held jointly with the Science Circle of the National Liberal Club. Fuellers and their guests are invited to join us at the National Liberal Club for what promises to be an interesting, enjoyable and informative evening of science and fellowship.
For decades physicists and engineers have pursued to goal of harnessing the physics of the stars for energy production here on Earth. In recent years the large government labs devoted to Fusion Energy research have been joined by a host of new private sector start-ups keen to test commercially oriented ideas quickly. One of the axiomatic ideas around fusion energy has been that it will first gain traction as a source of electricity generation, just as conventional nuclear power rolled out in the 1960s and 1970s. Professor Bill Nuttall will challenge the notion that fusion should primarily be seen as a source of electrical power and instead make the case that fusion should seek to achieve commercial viability via the production of low carbon hydrogen. There are technological advantages of such an approach and business strategy reasons why the international oil companies might want to support such an endeavour at this time. Professor Nuttall’s remarks will build upon a concept, known as Fusion Island, that he first proposed in 2005 with collaborators Bartek Glowacki and Richard Clarke. Bill will suggest that, in the second decade of the Twenty-First Century – it’s time to go to Fusion Island.
William J. Nuttall is Professor of Energy at The Open University, a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Fellow of Hughes Hall, Cambridge and a Non-Resident Fellow of the Payne Institute for Public Policy at Colorado School of Mines. His books include Commercialising Fusion Energy (IOPP, 2020), Fossil Fuel Hydrogen (Springer, 2020) and Nuclear Renaissance – Second Edition (T&F Group, 2022 in-press). He has a PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1993) where he was a Fulbright scholar (postgraduate student award 1987-88).
The programme for the evening will be as follows:
1800 Registration, tea, coffee, and sandwiches
1900 Introductions
1905 Professor. William J. Nuttall
1935 Questions to the speaker
1955 Summary and closing remarks
2000 Cash Bar drinks reception and further discussion
2130 Close
The cost of the event will be £20, which will enable us to cover the cost of Tea, coffee, and sandwiches.
To enable us to finalise the catering please ensure that you book no later than Friday 11 March 2022.