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On Wednesday afternoon, 20th March, a major Fuellers Charity volunteer event took place at the Holy Sepulchre Church, in the heart of the City, where our Chaplain, Revd Nick Mottershead is the Priest in Charge. The event was to support one of our charities, the Hygiene Bank.

Fuellers arrived with assorted donations of shower gels, shampoos, toothbrushes and toothpastes, brush/comb/nail clippers, skin cream, period products, etc. They all helped to sort the donated products into brightrly coloured packages suitable for delivery to families in need. The pictures below show the results and the team in action.
The afternoon continued with choral evensong led by Nick Mottershead, the Holy Sepulchre Choir and the ‘From Age to Age’ Choir from Minnesota, USA - to mark the centenary of the death of Charles Villiers Stanford. The day ended with a reception for the choirs and congregation.