Fuellers Conversation: Fuelling the Future 10th February 2021

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Fuelling the Future - Deconstructing the Role of Oil and Gas in the Energy Transition

Dr Paul R Bogenrieder PhD
EY US Energy Analysis

Dr Bogenrieder, the presenter for the 25th Fuellers Conversation is responsible for leading the Oil and Gas analyst team in EY’s Knowledge Group.  In that role he informs, coordinates and articulates the firm’s point of view on the oil and gas industry

This presentation of EY’s recent Fuelling the Future analysis aimed to cover industry profitability and capital spending, the value proposition for various industry initiatives (including digital solutions) and the future of the energy mix.  It centred largely on different future energy scenarios, and what they may mean for demand and energy supply, as well as potential investment returns. One message was that consumers, not governments, regulators or capital markets, make (and pay for) the critical energy choices, so structural shifts in fuelling the future, like intermittent renewables, electric vehicles and heating will need to take account of consumer acceptance of their limitations. Some from of carbon pricing is essential and the growing use of fossil fuels in Asia and the change to hydrogen will assure the future of natural gas.

A lively discussion followed, which covered topics like O&G industry consolidation, nuclear energy, different risks attitudes to O&G and renewables, and the failed Californian experienced with ZEV in the 2020’s.

Next Fuellers Conversation will be "Getting the Measure of Methane", 14 April 2021 - 18.00-19.00 via Zoom.

Methane is the second most abundant of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases but is also the main constituent of natural gas. And whilst oil and gas production is not the only source of methane, understanding and managing emissions from the energy sector has rapidly become a hot topic for the industry, its regulators and society.