So what have your Master and the Wardens been up to in August 2023? This tends to be quieter month for activities in the Livery World. That was the case. I also attach a list for your information of future events in 2023 for all Members.
I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fuellers Communications Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.
My Charity Fund Raiser Two Physical Events update
As you know I have now completed my two physical challenges for charity fund raising.
THANK YOU to all who have donated. I am very pleased to report that I have raised a total, including gift aid, of £6,513. This exceeded my £3,000 target. THANK YOU. This will go equally to my three charities of The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund, The RNLI and The British Heart Foundation.
My first challenge was the swimming marathon which I completed on 18 July and I squeezed it in around my other Livery activities. I swam a total of 22 miles being 1,417 lengths, the distance of the English Channel, by going three times a week to my club pool and building up the distance.
My second challenge I completed on August 5, see note below.
Saturday 5 August, Charity Physical Activity Walk over the Roof of the 02
This is the day I completed my second physical challenge charity fund raiser. This was climbing over the roof of the 02 with my private group of 18. This group included my Consort Jan, Junior Warden Elena Oderstone and lots of my family ranging from my 8 year old granddaughter upwards. We also had a group of family spectators.
The 02 is 52 meters high and the walk took just over an hour. Protective clothing, including non slip shoes and safety harnesses were provided and a guide took us up to the 360 degree viewing platform at the top with fantastic panoramic views over Canary Wharf.
The weather turned at this point with strong winds and torrential rain making the climb down even more a challenge. We were all soaked.
The walk way was a rubber type of surface which moved like a trampoline. I was glad to get down and enjoy the sense of achievement and to dry out.

Wednesday 9 August, Fuellers Past Masters Lunch
The Fuellers Past Masters and Consorts met for their annual lunch get together. This was held at the “The Rag” (The Army and Navy Club) on Pall Mall. This was expertly organised by Past Master Paul Cuttill and was a great opportunity to meet up. I attended as Consort to Past Master Jan.