So what have your Master and the Wardens been up to in April 2023? I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break. I also attach a list for your information of future events in 2023 for all Members.
As you know I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fueller Communication Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.
I am happy for and would encourage any feedback on this e mail. I thank you for those who have commented so far.
Thursday 6 April, I spoke with a representative of the Fuellers Industry Group
The importance of the Fuellers Industry Group was discussed with a key member of the Group. We covered a lot including its activities, goals, strategy and development.
Monday 17 April, I attended Kings College London, Net Zero Centre launch event
Myself, the Clerk Alex Maclean Bather and Court Assistant Ashutosh Shastri attended an event at Kings College London to launch their new Net Zero Centre. The idea is to bring together different sectors of academia, policy, and business to discuss how collaborative working can help achieve the 2050 Net Zero target.
The main event was a panel presentation, discussion and Q and A session. The panel consisted of an MP who is Chair of the All Party Group on the environment and who published the Governments “Mission Zero” report in January 2023; the Director of Technology Centres at Johnson Matthey; a power sector specialist at Societe Generale; an Environmental, Social and Governance specialist at Delancey the real estate asset management and advisory company; and a regional Head of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The session was lively and interesting.
Conclusions were major challenges need addressing including lack of skills, lack of investment in new technology, policy frameworks and lack of joined up working.
After the event student guides took the delegates around the facilities in the Net Zero Centre.

Monday 17 April, Junior Warden delivers food
Junior Warden, Elena Oderstone, as you may know raised funds for City Harvest London last month climbing Kilimanjaro. Today she went around with the Livery Food Initiative van to collect and deliver food to the food bank along with the Chairman of The Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund, Chloë Andrews Jones.

Tuesday 18 April, the Worshipful Company of Engineers Annual Talk.
I attended the annual talk by the Company of Engineers at Stationers Hall. It was given by Captain Ian Park from the Royal Navy who is now a Barrister and an advisor to the UK Government. His talk covered the role of the UK armed forces in global geographical challenges, international competition and trade. He also covered the threats to global security and how to mitigate them. An example of the unusual and interesting subjects, often covered by Livery events.
Ian explained at the moment there are 27 conflict situations around the globe and only one is graded as getting better. His main concerns were around the Indo China region followed by the Artic where global powers are jostling for position.
Brewers Hall, like many, has been located on its site for hundreds of years and was destroyed in 1666 by the Great Fire of London and bombed in 1940. The current and third Hall was built in 1960. These Modern Company dinners are organised in turn by each Modern Livery Company, which are from precedence number 78 onwards, as you know the Fuellers is 95 and it currently goes to 110. Art Scholars are 110 so the next one will be organised by going back to the beginning i.e. number 78, the Master Mariners.

Wednesday 19 April, the Fuellers Court Meeting and Election Lunch
I as Master and the Senior and Junior Wardens attended all these events today. I chaired the early morning Court Meeting held at Vintners Hall covering a lot of topics including updates and reports from the various Committees. Also included were the annual elections of key Officers, and the future Master and Wardens. A new Court Assistant Guy Sawyer was reappointed and two new future ones were nominated for installation in October being Michael Green and Paul Cornwell.
Common Hall was also held and the 2022 accounts for The Company and the Fuellers Charitable Trust Fund were received. This was then followed by the Ceremonial part of the Court meeting, where a new Freeman was admitted and three new Liverymen were enrobed. We also enrobed the Master Carmen as an Honorary Liveryman for the period of his office.
The Election lunch then followed, which was very well attended with well over a hundred present, including many guests from our Military Affiliates, Honorary Liverymen and Past Masters. One of these was HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh. The Guest speaker was Sheriff Andrew Marsden who explained about his role and life in the City and he had excellent insights into the energy industry. There was a real buzz in the air and all seemed to enjoy this event. A link to my speech and pictures has been sent out to all members.

Thursday 20 April, Livery Reception at Guildhall School of Music & Drama
My Consort Jan and I attended the Livery Companies reception at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The event celebrates the partnership between the School and the Livery Companies and was hosted by past Lord Mayor, Sir Andrew Parmley with guest speaker past Lord Mayor, Sir Alan Yarrow.
The Livery Companies have a long history of supporting the School which includes the Fuellers. A number of students and staff provided brief tours and explained what they do and the music provided during the evening was by an excellent student jazz band.

Friday 21 April, visit to “Medical Prime” Menopause clinic in the City Of London
Following a meeting earlier in the year with Master Glazier, David Stringer-Lamarre, he invited Jan and me to visit the menopause clinic in the City of London run by his wife, Doctor Theodora Kalentzi. David is also a Director. This visit was to publicise its new premises and explain the various services which are available to women and their families in the City of London. It is a private specialist practice with many large corporate clients in the City and around the UK.
Tuesday 25 April, attended zoom discussion on Corporate Membership
The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers held a lunch time zoom discussion on the different models of Corporate Membership for Livery Companies. The Fuellers have not yet gone down this route but are again considering the pros and cons. A very useful session with over 50 attendees and at least four Fuellers attended. Conclusions included that more Companies than expected have gone down this route and were mainly motivated to raise more income and increase industry profile; it has no negative impact on the membership culture; each company has very different schemes and details are available on their own websites.
Tuesday 25 April, attended the Worshipful Company of Engineers Installation Dinner
I and The Clerk, Alex, attended the Installation dinner of the new Master Engineer, Raymond Joyce, at Vintners Hall. The Engineers are just before us in the order of precedence and I see they are celebrating their 40 years birthday this year. I think ours will be in 2024. I often find myself next to them in line at many events and do quickly build a strong relationship with their Master. The speaker tonight was Professor John Uff, CBE KC who is Past Master Arbitrator and an Engineer and Barrister.

Wednesday 26 April, I attended a lecture by The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
I attended the annual Lord Imbert Security Lecture which was held by The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals at the Army & Navy Club. This was given by Professor Alison Wakefield a cybersecurity and criminology specialist. She spoke about security and crime issues in a” complex world” and was very thought provoking.

Thursday 27 April, Fuellers Officers monthly zoom meeting
I, Senior Warden James Cripps and Junior Warden Elena Oderstone met at lunch time on zoom to keep up to date. We also asked John Ingham, Chair of GPC and Guy Sawyer, Chair of the Membership Group to attend for part of the meeting to update us on the Membership Group. A very useful session.