So what have your Master and the Wardens been up to in May 2023? I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break. I also attach a list for your information of future events in 2023 for all Members.
As you know I am working with others on communications for your benefit. This includes the Fueller Communication Group chaired by Michael Green who will be populating the social media communications; the Editor of The Fueller magazine, Lynn Postle; the Editor of E-News, Louise Thompson and our Clerk Alex Maclean Bather.
I am happy for and would encourage any feedback on this e mail. I thank you for those who have commented so far.
My Charity Fund Raiser Two Physical Events update
As you know I am doing physical activities to raise funds for charity. Details of how to donate will follow shortly. In the meantime this is an update. My first challenge is the swimming marathon which is now underway, and I am squeezing it in around my other Livery activities. I will swim a total of 22 miles, the distance of the English Channel. I am going around three times week to my club pool and I am building up the distance. As at the end of May I am pleased to report I have now swum 802 lengths being just over 12 miles. Only 10 miles to go! It is tough and very hard work. My second challenge will come later on August 5 climbing the roof of the 02 Building in Canary Wharf with a team of 18 of us.
Wednesday 3 May, attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
My wife Jan and I were very proud and privileged to be invited to the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. This was the first one for 2023 and has been re-instated since COVID. It was an “intimate” affair for over 6,000 guests. We met for lunch before the event with some Livery friends at the nearby Goring Hotel. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed the tea, cakes and sandwiches as well as meeting many interesting people from the different worlds of Livery, Armed forces, Charity, Government officials and foreign dignitaries etc. The King and Queen Camilla were relaxed and chatted to many guests and I am sure it was a pleasant distraction for them from the preparations for the Coronation on Saturday 6 May.

Thursday 4 May, Met with the Clerk at Carmen Hall
The Chair of GPC John Ingham, the Senior Warden James Cripps and I all met at Carmen Hall with The Clerk, Alex Maclean Bather. This was to discuss the year so far and consider plans and actions for the future.
Tuesday 9 May, the 368th Festival of the Clergy Support Trust at St Paul's Cathedral
This is the annual service at St Pauls Cathedral for the Clergy Support Trust which is the largest and oldest charity supporting clergy and their families. I attended with my Consort Jan as well as Alex the Clerk and other members of the Fuellers. The Livery Masters paraded in full robes along with The Lord Mayor and many other City dignitaries. The music was stunning and was provided by three Choirs from St Paul’s Cathedral, Leicester Cathedral and LIandaff Cathedral.

Wednesday 10 May, I attended the Fuellers Communication Group zoom meeting
I was pleased to attend the morning zoom meeting of the Fuellers Communication Group. It was a very useful meeting with lots of progress on communication plans and communication strategy.
Wednesday 10 May, St Bartholomew’s Hospital 900th anniversary
Jan and I attended the afternoon thanksgiving service at St Pauls Cathedral and later reception at Guildhall, to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the oldest hospital, St Bartholomew’s Hospital. St Pauls was packed including members of the public, medical profession, the Livery and the City of London Corporation.
The service included reflections on the role and work at St Bart’s and acts of re commitment, as well as performances by The Barts Choir.
The reception afterwards at Guildhall was hosted by the Lord Mayor.

Thursday 11 May, Fuellers Industry Group zoom meeting
I attended the afternoon zoom meeting of the Fuellers Industry Group. The plans for the Duke of Edinburgh Fuellers Future Energy conference on 29 November 2023 were discussed.
Monday 15 May, Fuellers GPC meeting
A meeting of the Fuellers General Purposes Committee was held in the afternoon at Carmen Hall and by Zoom. I attended in person and both Wardens were also present at the meeting. A lot of ground was covered including reports from the various Groups that report into GPC.
Monday 15 May, Worshipful Company of Plumbers Annual Lecture
In the evening I attended the annual lecture of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers held at the Royal College of Physicians. It was well attended and the subject was to debate University or Apprenticeships. Three CEO’s presented on the subject. Also a number of awards were presented to prize winning apprentices.
In the Q&A session it was interesting that sustainability within the industry came up including Hydrogen in the gas supply system and also the pros and cons of the Heat pumps initiative.

Tuesday 16 May, Worshipful Company of Carmen Royal opening, dedication and celebration of Carmen Hall
Jan and I attended the lunch time official opening, dedication and celebration of Carmen Hall carried out by The Princess Royal, who is a Past Master Carmen .This was followed by a service and reception at the next door church, St Dunstan-in the West, Fleet Street, with the unveiling of a plaque by The Princess Royal.
The Princess Royal also presented a framed resolution of thanks to Past Carmen Masters, John and Marsha Rae Ratcliff, who were the main financial supporters of the Hall.

Tuesday 16 May, The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers Eye Health event
In the evening, Jan and I attended the Spectacle Makers Eye Health event at St Thomas’ Hospital in the Governors’ Hall. This was a series of talks from four eye specialists across different disciplines, focusing on the challenges of good eye sight and maintaining healthy eyes from school age to later in life. It was followed by a Q&A session and a reception.

Wednesday 17 May, the EIC (The Energy Industries Club) Lunch
We both attended one of the regular EIC lunches which was held at The Rag (The Army and Navy Club). The excellent talk was given by Alice Delahunty, President of Electricity Transmission, National Grid, who handled the very knowledgeable Q&A session really well. It was good to see some Fueller members in attendance, many of which are also EIC members. The links between us are close, including the Club Secretary being William Fortescue and the President is Matthew Gordon, both prominent Fuellers.

Wednesday 17 May, The Mercers’ Company Livery Concert
In the evening Jan and I attended the Mercers’ Livery Concert at Mercers’ Hall followed by dinner. This is a special relatively new annual Livery event which had over 80 Livery Companies attending. After a drinks reception, we had a stunning one hour concert from the very highly regarded and famous jazz, soul and R& B singer, Ruby Turner, and her band. They are just about to embark on a UK and European tour with Jools Holland. The dinner followed the concert.
The entire evening was a gift to the Livery from the Mercers’ Company. A very special evening.

Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May, Fuellers Masters Social weekend Stratford upon Avon
It was a pleasure for Jan and I to host the Fuellers Masters weekend at Stratford upon Avon for almost 50 Fuellers with guests This covered three days of mixed and varied events including a visit to the British Motor Museum, two dinners, one in the Hotel and one at the nearby famous Pudding Club, guided walking tours of the Town, a river Avon boat trip, a behind the scenes tour of the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre visiting backstage, with costumes and props ready for the current productions, the auditoriums and finishing the visit with a closing lunch in its Roof Top restaurant.
The weather was beautiful all weekend.
See a more detailed report and more photographs by clicking here, and also on social media and in the next edition of The Fueller magazine article.

Monday 22 May, The Company of Entrepreneurs’ Annual Raleigh Lecture
I attended in the evening the annual Raleigh Lecture of the Entrepreneurs Company at Drapers Hall. The lecture was given by Tim Bovy from the University of Notre Dame, on “Is Enterprise Sustainable?” and was followed by a reception and a Q&A session. The message was that ESG and CSRD sustainability standards will soon be mandatory and are designed to force enterprises to become more sustainable. A key area of debate was “shareholder” verses “stakeholder” interests.
Unusually over 100 year 12 and 13 students and staff were present from a number of Livery affiliated schools. They had been to workshops earlier in the day. They all seemed very engaged and interested.

Thursday 25 May, Fuellers Officers zoom
At lunch time the three Officers, myself, James and Elena as well as Junior Warden Elect Ash, met for our monthly zoom to keep up to date and coordinate actions.
Saturday 27 May, Gallagher Premiership Rugby Final
Jan and I joined the Fuellers group at Twickenham for the Gallagher Premiership Rugby Final. We met for an informal lunch and drinks first at nearby Cole Court and after a stroll to the grounds took our seats where we had a group block of tickets high up behind the try line. Always expertly organised by Honorary Court Assistant, Roger Cloke.