Fuellers Conversation in Association with EY 17th February 2022
The first Fuellers Conversation in 2022 was held by Zoom on 17 February 2022. The excellent speaker was D. Saradhi Rajan, Managing Director of Cybele Capital Partners LLP and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers.

The fascinating topic was “Supply chains for Decarbonisation”. Saradhi presented with a number of slides for about 20 minutes, which was then followed by a number of searching questions and an interesting debate.
It became very clear that the progress in the global move to decarbonisation faces significant challenges in the supply chains. This is due to the current and potential general shortages of resources, especially of certain key elements, such as critical raw materials, production capacity and expertise. In addition political factors are always a hurdle to be carefully handled, which can be a special issue where the resources are rare and not located where they are needed.
Even more relevant finance and investment will be needed to lubricate the wheels of climate action and decarbonisation. Large volumes of capital will have to be provided and London is one of the leading market places for this.
As usual I learnt a lot from this Conversation and I would like to thank Sardhi for his presentation, Paul Cuttill for hosting the event and for the support of EY in the ongoing programme of Fueller Conversations. Zoom works quite well for these events, but I am sure we all look forward to the time when we will be able to meet once again in person.
Peter Harrison
Senior Warden