City Livery Climate Action Strategy and COP26

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Honorary Liveryman of the Fuellers, Alderman Alison Gowman is spearheading the City Livery Climate Action Strategy with the aim of showcasing action within the Square Mile in the City of London Pavilion at COP26.

The launch seminar on 25th January attracted over 250 people and elicited over 50 volunteers to lead actions going forward. A detailed writeup from Alison herself can be found here (link) while the video will be available on the WCoEngineers website.

A presentation slide deck as given by John Clink of the Merchant Taylors' giving "A Hall Perspective" can be found here (link).

Already, Working Groups have been established on Education (co-leads Deputy Master Prof. Averil Macdonald and Heather Barret-Mold (Master Gardener), Green Investment (Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney), Property (John Pike Chartered Surveyors), Pollinating London Together (Anthony Blackmore Wax Chandlers), General Workstream (Gordon Masterton Master Engineer). Further information will be on a page on the Livery Committee website soon and more volunteers are welcome.

The second seminar on Biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals is scheduled for 15th April. Please sign up!