Two messages of support received!

As she makes final preparations for her departure on Saturday 4 March, Elena has received two welcome messages of support from City Harvest and Make-A-Wish …

Last Sunday hike before Kilimanjaro

Today saw Junior Warden Elena Oderstone’s final training Sunday training walk before her departure on Saturday 4 March, walking from Alfeston to Beachy Head (South …

Training Continues …

Today’s training saw Junior Warden Elena Oderstone walk from Rodwell, Lewes to Beachy Head (South Downs Way) – a distance of 19.2 miles and a …

Kilimanjaro Fundraising

Fuellers’ Junior Warden Elena Oderstone is tackling the summit of Kilimanjaro as part of an expedition on 4 – 14 March 2023. As part of …

Master Fueller’s Activity Report – January 2023

Introduction I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas and New Year break and are suitably refreshed for an exciting and fun 2023. A very happy …

Master Fueller’s Activity Report – December 2022

Introduction I am issuing this December report a little early, just before the end of December, so I can wish all the members of the …

Fuellers CTF supports 800 students to understand Green Energy

Thursday 24th Nov was the Fuellers Arkwright Future Energy Conference organised by Simon Wilson of the Smallpeice Trust, one of the Fuellers partner charities. After …

Master Fueller’s Activity Report – November 2022

Introduction So what has your Master and the Wardens’ been up to in November 2022?You will see it has been a busy period and I …

Master Fueller’s Activity Report – October 2022

Introduction It is your new Master here letting you know what I have been up to so far.What a pleasure and privilege to have been …

Collective Letter of Condolence to His Majesty The King

A collective Letter of Condolence to His Majesty The King has been written on behalf of the Livery Companies, Companies without Livery and Guilds. The …

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

It is with great sadness that I express the deepest condolences of the Worshipful Company of Fuellers upon the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth …

The Woodmongers Lunch – Carmens Hall

Tuesday 6th September 2022 The Master Carman and The Master Fueller and their Consorts, came together with fellow Carmen and Fueller’s at The Woodmongers Luncheon …

Merchant Navy Day

I was honoured and privileged to represent the Master at the annual Merchant Navy Day Commemorative Service and Reunion at Trinity Square Gardens on Sunday …


TeenTech were very grateful to a team of dedicated Fuellers who spent quite some time participating in the judging of this year’s TeenTech awards, narrowing …

“The Queen and The Commonwealth” a Music Night on 14 July 2022 at Guildhall for Platinum Jubilee

The Senior Warden, Peter Harrison and Past Master, Jan Harrison, attended on behalf of the Fuellers a thrilling music evening at the City of London …