City Consorts celebrates International Women’s Day 2018

City Consorts exists to give the Consort of any future Livery Master of the City of London the confidence and knowledge to embrace and enjoy …

Fueller Inter-Livery Bridge Pair..not in danger of winning

Past Master Stuart Goldsmith and Liveryman/Hon Almoner Elinor Goldsmith represented the Fuellers at the 36th Inter-Livery Bridge Pairs competition staged by the Worshipful Company of …

PANCAKE RACES (it’s not the winning it’s the taking part .. ?)

It was a cold, wet Shrove Tuesday when old inter-livery rivalries were re-ignited at the 2018 Livery Pancake Race. With the Guildhall Yard as slippery …


A strong gathering of Fuellers and Guests were hosted by Rolls Royce to learn of an initiative to build a new generation of Nuclear power …

Fuellers Lecture Series Platanos College

On Wednesday 7th February, I took part in a lecture about careers in law, hosted by Ms Mary Simmons. Firstly, we were given an insight …

Connections connected

A jolly bunch of Fuellers ‘connected’ on 1st Feb in The Albert, Victoria Street. ‘Connections’ is the Master’s initiative to give Fuellers the chance to …

Fuellers’ Lecture Series, Platanos College

On Monday 22nd January, an exciting new specialist academic lecture series began here at Platanos College with a lecture examining ‘What is it like to …

Consorts’ reward

An excellent tour of the Paintings (see previous post) followed by excellent food and wine in a convivial atmosphere, all topped by a hilarious talk …

Paintings in the Guildhall

This year’s New Year’s Court was held in the elegant surroundings of the Guildhall Club and whilst the Court was busy at it work, the …

Energy Live News – Personality Awards 2017

This inaugural awards ceremony was hosted at the London Film Museum on 7th December. With over 250 attendees, gathering around the Bond in Motion exhibition, …

HMS Sultan Visit

On a wild and wet Monday 22 livery men, 10 of whom are Fuellers, from 5 Livery Companies fought their way to HMS Sultan to …

Lord Mayor’s Show and Rememberance Sunday

The Fuellers are very much part of the Civic City, and this was in evidence this weekend as the Master and Wardens participated in the …

Fuellers’ Sunday

St Bartholemew the Great Church Remember remember the 5th of November…. And so we will, not for gunpowder, treason and plot or even bonfire and …

Installation of New Master and Wardens 17 0ctober 2017

Doubled up at Dinner Installation Court and Dinner – 17th Oct 2017 – Skinners’ Hall This was an Installation Court Dinner with a double difference. …

Fuellers in Brize Norton air-to air refuelling excitement

The Fuellers’ annual visit to RAF Voyager Tanker Squadron 10 took place on Tuesday 10th October, at Brize Norton air base in Oxfordshire. The aim …